Tuesday, April 1, 2014

You Can Filter Out The Harmful Fluoride & Chlorine From Your Homes Tap Water While Transforming It Into Some Of The Healthiest Water On The Planet

Fluoride Is Safe Right?

Anybody that is unfamiliar with the fluoride issue, please take a few minutes out of your day to research and learn about this poison in our drinking water. Hitler used this same fluoride for his death camps. Why is it in our drinking water and why is it killing us and our children? Change the world for your children and ask your local mayor/ governor why it is being used! The answer will be to prevent tooth decay. This means that they are using our water supply to treat us medically for preventative measures.Our drinking water is not a means for medical intervention. If Dentists can use it to treat our teeth than what's next? Doctors giving us pain meds or antidepressants in our drinking water? It's sick! Fluoride is sourced from China and is filled with mercury & Lead (lead paint for drinking anyone?)

Our Government Pumps It Into Our Water To Promote Healthy Teeth, Correct?

The Government lies to us and puts it in our drinking water to dumb us down so they can control us. The same thing was used in Hitler's death camps. Think I'm lying? Contact your local Senator with this information and demand proof of where it came from, why it is used and the scientific proof it works. (even if it did work, which it doesn't, why treat our drinking water with a chemical that has only been tested to work topically on our teeth and not to be ingested. How is drinking toxic fluoride helping our teeth? Its not sitting or penetrating our teeth, even if it were true and did work! It is being ingested and it is calcifying our pineal and thyroid glands and causing cancer and mental health issues. In one study 30% of children exposed to fluoride dental products developed acute fluoride toxicity symptoms. This should cause the American people to be revolted and to demand change and instead, nothing happens and nobody gets mad. so do you now question what fluoride does to the brain.

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Wikipedia Lists The Side Effects Associated With Fluoride Exposure & Poisoning.


Excess fluoride consumption has been studied as a factor in the following:


A meta analysis conducted on epidemiological studies conducted in China concluded that exposure to "high" levels of fluoride (variously defined) in childhood was associated with a reduction in IQ of about 7 points.[13][14] The authors of the meta analysis noted that this research is not applicable to the safety of artificial water fluoridation because the adverse effects on IQ was found with fluoride levels that were much higher than typically found in artificially fluoridated water.[15] The meta analysis has been criticized for failing to account for confounding factors. For example, in some of the studies fluoride exposure came from the burning of high fluoride content coal, and used a control group from an area in which wood was used as fuel.[16]


Whilst fluoridated water is associated with decreased levels of fractures in a population, [17] toxic levels of fluoride have been associated with a weakening of bones and an increase in hip and wrist fractures. The U.S. National Research Council concludes that fractures with fluoride levels 1-4mg/L, suggesting a dose-response relationship, but states that there is "suggestive but inadequate for drawing firm conclusions about the risk or safety of exposures at [2 mg/L]".[18]:170
Consumption of fluoride at levels beyond those used in fluoridated water for a long period of time causes skeletal fluorosis. In some areas, particularly the Asian subcontinent, skeletal fluorosis is endemic. It is known to cause irritable-bowel symptoms and joint pain. Early stages are not clinically obvious, and may be misdiagnosed as (seronegative) rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis.[19]


Fluoride induced nephrotoxicity is kidney injury due to toxic levels of serum fluoride, commonly due to release of fluoride from fluorine-containing drugs, such as methoxyflurane.[20][21][22]
Within the recommended dose, no effects are expected, but chronic ingestion in excess of 12 mg/day are expected to cause adverse effects, and an intake that high is possible when fluoride levels are around 4 mg/L.[18]:281 Those with impaired kidney function are more susceptible to adverse effects.[18]:292
The kidney injury is characterised by failure to concentrate urine, leading to polyuria, and subsequent dehydration with hypernatremia and hyperosmolarity. Inorganic fluoride inhibits adenylate cyclase activity required for antidiuretic hormone effect on the distal convoluted tubule of the kidney. Fluoride also stimulates intrarenal vasodilation, leading to increased medullary blood flow, which interferes with the counter current mechanism in the kidney required for concentration of urine.
Fluoride induced nephrotoxicity is dose dependent, typically requiring serum fluoride levels exceeding 50 micromoles per liter (about 1 ppm) to cause clinically significant renal dysfunction,[23] which is likely when the dose of methoxyflurane exceeds 2.5 MAC hours.[24][25] (Note: "MAC hour" is the multiple of the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of the anesthetic used times the number of hours the drug is administered, a measure of the dosage of inhaled anesthetics.)
Elimination of fluoride depends on glomerular filtration rate. Thus, patients with renal insufficiency will maintain serum fluoride for longer period of time, leading to increased risk of fluoride induced nephrotoxicity.


The only generally accepted adverse effect of fluoride at levels used for water fluoridation is dental fluorosis, which can alter the appearance of children's teeth during tooth development; this is mostly mild and usually only an aesthetic concern. Compared to unfluoridated water, fluoridation to 1 mg/L is estimated to cause fluorosis in one of every 6 people (range 4–21), and to cause fluorosis of aesthetic concern in one of every 22 people (range 13.6–∞). Here, "aesthetic concern" is a term used in a standardized scale based on what adolescents would find unacceptable, as measured by a 1996 study of British 14-year-olds.[17][dead link]


Fluoride's suppressive effect on the thyroid is more severe when iodine is deficient, and fluoride is associated with lower levels of iodine.[clarification needed][26] Thyroid effects in humans were associated with fluoride levels 0.05–0.13 mg/kg/day when iodine intake was adequate and 0.01–0.03 mg/kg/day when iodine intake was inadequate.[18]:263 Its mechanisms and effects on the endocrine system remain unclear.[18]:266

The Infinite Unknown Blog stated the following,

Material Added on November 3, 1997
(c) 1996,1997 Leading Edge Research Group. All Rights Reserved.
P.O. Box 7530, Yelm, Washington 98597
 Email: trufax@trufax.org

(The "Infinate Unknown" Blog article continued)
1928 Edward L.Bernays, nephew to Sigmund Freud, writes the book Propaganda, in which he explains the structure of the mechanism which controls the public mind, and how it is manipulated by those who wish to create public acceptance for a particular idea or commodity. Says Bernays, “those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. Our minds are molded, our tastes are formed, largely by men we have never heard of.” Bernays represents another connection to Germany and would be essential in the fluoride campaign in the United States. Wrote Bernay’s, “if you can influence group leaders, either with or without their conscious cooperation, you automatically influence the group which they sway.” (See Bernay’s, 1947, and the fluoride campaign).
1939 On September 29, 1939, Mellon Institute scientist Gerald J. Cox plays a major role in the promotion of fluoridation by saying “the present trend toward removal of fluorides from food and water may need reversal. Water engineers had been recommending a maximum allowable fluoride contaminant level of 0.1 part per million (ppm), maintaining a tenfold margin of safety. (When fluorides were eventually added to water through corporate pressure, that safety factor would be thrown out and the level raised tenfold beyond the engineering recommendations in 1939, when fluoride was properly recognized as a toxic contaminant. Note: Mellon Institute was founded by Andrew and Richard Mellon, former owners of ALCOA Aluminum, plagued by disposal problems of toxic fluoride by products. ALCOA also had a relationship with I.G. Farben in Germany)
1943 The Journal of the American Medical Association on September 18, 1943, contains an article, “Chronic Fluorine Intoxication”, which states, “fluorides are general protoplasmic poisons, changing the permeability of the cell membrane by inhibiting certain enzymes. The exact mechanism of such actions, it was said, are obscure. The sources of fluorine intoxication are drinking water containing 1ppm or more of fluorine, fluorine compounds used as insecticidal sprays for fruits and vegatables (cryolite and barium fluoro- silicate) and the mining and conversion of phosphate rock to superphosphate, which is used as a fertilizer. That process alone releases approximately 25,000 tons of pure fluorine into the atmosphere annually. Other sources of fluorine intoxication is from the fluorides used in the smelting of many metals, such as steel and aluminum, and in the production of glass, enamel and brick.”
1944 The city manger of Grand Rapids, Michigan announces that the Michigan State Department of Health is planning a long range experiment with fluoridated water and that Grand Rapids was selected as the location for the experiment. The city commission approves a motion to fluoridate on July 31, and decides it is to begin in January 1945, despite the warning issued three months earlier, ironically, by the American Dental Association. Grand Rapids becomes the first city in the United States to conduct this experiment. It was to serve as the test city to be compared against un-fluoridated Muskegon for a period of ten years relative to tooth decay, “at which time it would be determined whether or not fluoride was “safe and effectiv.” Dr. H. Trendley Dean was put in charge of the project. The experiment was terminated early, after the control city was fluoridated, ruining the validity of the experiment, with the pronouncement that fluorides in public water supplies was “safe”.See 1945.
1944 Oscar Ewing is put on the payroll of the Aluminum Company of America ALCOA), as an attorney, at an annual salary of $750,000. In 1947, Ewing was made Federal Security Agency Administrator, with the announcement that he was taking a big cut in salary. The US Public Health Service, then a division of the FSA, comes under the command of Ewing, and he begins to vigorously promote fluoridation nationwide. Ref: May 25-27 Hearings before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. A by-product of aluminum manufacture is toxic sodium fluoride. Ewings public relations strategist for the fluoride campaign was the nephew of Sigmund Freud, Edward L. Bernays. Bernays conducts a public relations campaign to promote fluorine ingestion by applying Freudian theory to induce public acceptance. It was one of Bernays most successful campaigns.
1944 The October 1944 issue of the Journal of the American Dental Association cautions that “knowledge of the subject does not warrant the introduction of fluorine in community water supplies generally. Sodium fluoride is a highly toxic substance, and while its applications in safe concentrations, and under strict control by competent personnel, may prove to be useful therepeutically, under other circumstances it may definitely be harmful. To be effective, fluorine must be ingested into the system during the years of tooth development, and we do not yet know enough about the chemistry involved to anticipate what other conditions may be produced in the structure of the bone and other tissues of the body generally. We do know that the use of drinking water containing as little as 1.2 to 3.0 ppm of fluorine will cause such developmental disturbances in bones as osteosclerosis, spondylosis, and osteopetrosis, as well as goiter, and we cannot run the risk of producing such serious systemic disturbances in applying what is at present a doubtful procedure intended to prevent development of dental disfigurements among children … because of our anxiety to find some therapeutic procedure that will promote mass prevention of caries, the seeming potentialities of fluorine appear speculatively attractive, but, in the light of our present knowledge or lack of knowledge of the chemistry of the subject, the potentialities for harm far outweigh those for good.”
1945 An FDA Chief inspector discovers that fluorides are being added to beer by the Commonwealth Brewing Company of Massachusetts (the same state where they did experimental fluoride treatments on institutionalized children). The owner of the brewery was arrested and subjected to a Federal jury trial for poisoning the beer. The indictment charged that the beer contained “an added poison or deleterious poison, fluoride, which was unsafe within the meaning of the statute (Section 301a of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act), since it was a substance not required in the production of the beer, it could have been avoided by good manufacturing practice.” The fact was established that the fluoride was added in the concentration of 0.5 ppm. The jury was instructed that fluoride was established to be harmful and poisonous, and that it was unimportant to show how much beer it would take to demonstrate harmful effects. Beer was classified as a food and fluoride as a poison in 1945. The Commonwealth Brewery Company was slapped with a $10,000 fine, and Kaufmann, the owner, was given a 6 month suspended jail sentence and a three year probation period.
1947 ALCOA lawyer Oscar Ewing is appointed head of the Federal Security Agency, later HEW, a position that places him in charge of the Public Health Service. Under Ewing, a national fluoridation campaign rapidly materializes, spearheaded by the Public Health Service. Over the next three years, 87 additonal cities were fluoridated, including the control city of Muskegon in the original Michigan experiment, thus wiping out the most scientifically objective test of safety and “benefit” before the test was half over. Ewing’s public relations strategist for the fluoride campaign was Edward L. Bernays, Sigmund Freuds nephew, who pioneered Freudian theory toward advertising and government propaganda. (See Bernay’s, 1928 and his book Propaganda). Because of Bernay’s people would be induced to forget that fluorides were toxic poisons. Opponents to the fluoride program were painted as “deranged”. In 1996 they would be painted as “civil rights activists”.
1951 The February 10, 1951 issue of JAMA Medical Literature reports the following symptoms of chronic fluoride poisoning, stating “Chronic intoxications resulting from prolonged intake of smaller amounts of fluorides include dental fluorosis. Fluoride also tends to accumulate in bones, leading to hypercalcification and brittleness. Ligaments and tendons also become calcified. Serious symptoms may ensue, such as loss of mobility of joints, easy fractures and pressure on the spinal chord. Other effects include baldness in young men, accompanied by increased fluoride concentrations in hair and nails, anemia and decreased blood clotting power due to the binding of calcium. Dysmenorrhea, alterations in growth and weight, lowered birth rate, high incidence of fractyre, thyroid alterations and liver damage have been observed in regions of endemic fluorosis.”
1951 The U.S. Public Health Service, with the cooperation of the American Dental Association, holds a meeting of state dental directors at which the methods for promotion of fluoridation were outlined. Thus the USPHS formed an alliance with medical trade unions and industry to promote the addition of toxic fluorides to the public water supplies. A concentration of 1.2 ppm was suggested, and state dental directors were instructed to lie to the public about the toxic effects of sodium fluoride, deliberately misinform the public by relating the presence of “high-fluoride areas” to “less cancer and less polio” – an entire public relations campaign meant to convince the public to allow themselves to be medicated – just like the inmates in Soviet and German prisons and camps. Their technique was not to refute the thing but to show that the opposite was true, even if the opposite was not true. Ref: Proceedings of the 1951 meeting in Washington D.C.
1952 After Dr. A.L. Miller, former Nebrasks Health Commissioner, became a Congressman, and found he had been bamboozled by the former highly paid attorney for Alcoa Aluminum, Oscar Ewing (who later founded Triangle Research Park) into helping fluoridate the water of Washington, D.C., Miller revealed at a Congressional Hearing, reported in the March 24, 1952 Congressional Record, how he had been misled. He wondered aloud about how Mr. Ewing became Federal Security Administrator and whether Alcoa “might not have a deep interest in getting rid of the waste products from the manufacture of aluminum products”. Miller asked Dr. John D. Porterfield of the U.S. Department of Agriculture if studies had been done to see what fluorides might do to pregnant women. Porterfield replied, “They have different objectives in mind, sir. There is more money available for matters that have economic value than there is for health.”
1952 Congressional representative from Nebraska, Dr. A.L.Miller, who was also the Chairman of the Special Committee on Chemicals and Foods, comments on the fact that within 3 months the USPHS, who did not endorse fluoridation of public water supplies, suddenly reversed course and promoted it very heavily. Dr. Miller said he could not find any public evidence that the AMA, the ADA and other health agencies had done any work at all on researching the safety, but were in fact just endorsing each other’s opinions in support of the program. Miller noted that all scientific experts in biochemistry had advised the “go-slow” sign relative to fluoridation of public water. Dr. Miller expressed the fact that he wondered whether of not ALCOA and its subsidiary companies might not have a deep interest in getting rid of waste products from the making of aluminum. Dr. Miller also stated that it was interesting to note that Oscar Ewing, who headed up the Federal Security Administration (at the time the parent organization for the U.S. Public Health Service) was connected with the legal firm of Hubbard, Hill and Ewin, who also represent ALCOA. [Later, dentists who opposed administration of toxic fluorides to patients were censured or lost their membership to the ADA (beginning around 1960); scientists who came out with evidence of fluorides dangerous nature were personality and publically denegrated by the ADA and USPHS, and the research (often far better and more rigourous) was portrayed by the ADA and USPHS as being faulty or irrelevant; those who opposed fluoride could not get or keep USPHS grants; public health officials who disagreed lost their jobs. Meanwhile, the ADA, USPHS and fluoride producing industry continued in the conspiracy to defraud the public by claiming fluoridation was "absolutely safe". It is estimated that since the time fluorides have been added to the food, water and air in the early 20th century, over 130 million Americans have suffered chronic fluoride poisoning, accelerated aging and degenerative disease - all due to fluoride products which they are encouraged to consume. It continues, despite the evidence, because fluorides also are behavior modifiers for the population - chemical mind control with built-in money-making degenerative capabilities.]
1955 From 1955 to 1957, K.K. Paluev, a brilliant General Electric Company research and development engineer, was the first to point out that the statistics relative to the studies done in Grand Rapids, Michigan; Newburgh, New York and other cities touted as “reducing decay by 65%” those promoting fluoridation show a delay in eruption of teeth, due to the fluoridation, and that the claimed “65 percent reduction in tooth decay” were obtained partially by tabulating unerupted teeth as “sound” teeth. According to a statistical analysis later in 1959, paid for by the University of Melbourne, every fluoridation experiment done, as far as statistics are concerned, abound in contridictions, discrepancies, and omissions of pertinent data, and lack of adequate controls. (Fluoridation Errors And Omissions in Experimental Trials, by Philip R.N. Sutton, D.D.Sc., L.D.S. (Senior Research Fellow, Department of Oral Medicine and Surgery, Dental School, University of Melbourne, in collaboration with Sir Arthut B.P. Amies, Dean of the Dental School, University of Melbourne, Australia). In other words, every experimental trial in the world claimed to justify the belief that fluorides prevent dental caries is fraudulent, and can be proved fraudulent. For extreme detail on this matter, consult “The Greatest Fraud: Fluoridation”, by Philip R. Sutton, 1996, Kurunda Pty, Ltd, P.O. Box 22, Lorne, Australia 3232. ISBN 0-949491-12-8.
1956 Ionel Rapaport, French endocrinologist at the Psychiatric Institute of the University of Wisconsin, ascertains the birthplace of all mongoloid children in Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota and Illinois, and grouped them together according to the published fluoride content of the municipal drinking water. Tabulating the 687 urban cases, he finds a two-fold statistically significant greater prevalence or risk of mongoloid births in communities with 1 ppm or more in the water. Using Van Valens formula reveals a combined statistical probability of less that 1 in 125,000 that the correlations from all four states are due to chance. The incidence of the birth defect increases as the fluoride content of the water increases. This is the only study of its kind to include maternal data. See 1959, second study on Down’s Syndrome and fluoridated areas). [Bulletin of the Academy of National Medicine, Paris, Vol 140, pp.529-531].
1957 Controversial statement from Oliver Kenneth Goff, June 22, 1957, a member of the Communist Party and the Young Communist League from May 2, 1936 to October 9, 1939, reveals he testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1939, as to the implementation of the fluoridation of American public water supplies in the same way they used it as a brain tranquillizer at Soviet prison camps. Goff reflected that the Party leaders felt that it would bring about lethargy in the U.S, and keep the public docile during a steady encroachment of Communism. Also discussed, says Goff, was keeping a store of deadly fluoride near the water supplies where during a time of revolt it could be dumped wholesale into the water supply and either kill off the populace, or threaten them with liquidation, so that they would surrender to obtain fresh water. (See Ref#64,65). Sworn statement in Arapahoe Country, Colorado, notarized. (Ref: Fluoridation, by Isabel Jansen, R.N, 1990, ISBN 0-932298-73-7, page 128, Tri-State Press, Antigo, Wisconsin 54409)
1958 The World Health Organzation (WHO) establishes an Expert Committee in Geneva to study fluoridation. At least 5 out of 7 members of the commitee had promoted fluoridation in their respective countries. [The deck was already stacked]. Two well-known American proponents were Dr. J.W. Knutson and Professor H.C. Hodge. Hodge had some of his research financed by the Atomic Energy Commission, which was confronted with serious fluoride disposal problems from uranium processing. Another member promoting fluoridation, Professor Yngve Ericsson from Sweden, a prominent advocate of fluoridation in Europe, was the recipient of a U.S. Public Health Service grant and received royalties from Sweden’s toothpaste industry. Research documenting poisoning from fluoridated water was rejected. See 1969, WHO Endorsement of fluorides]
1959 In the report of the proceedings of the 3rd Medical-Dental Conference on the Evaluation of Fluoridation, held on March 7, 1959 in New York City, the committee concluded that “It is apparent that the practice of fluoridation is not the simple is not the simple, trustworthy procedure that the promoting authorities have given the profession and the public to believe. Added to the lack of control of fluorides at the consumers tap are these major uncertainties: the gross variation in individual water consumption, the varied intake of fluorides in food and the fluoride intake from atmospheric and occupational exposure. These unpredictable issues make meaningless any talk about “controlled individual fluorine intake.” Most, if not all of this research has been buried by the authorities, who maintain glibly that “fluoride compounds are safe in the water supply”. Willfull criminal negligence and conspiracy.
1960 In 1960, the American Dental Association issued a pamphlet for public consumption called Fluoridation Facts: Answers to Criticisms of Fluoridation. In defense of the use of toxic fluoride compounds in public water supplies (which is a grievous crime against humanity, since it means mandated involuntary public medication), they used the logic that “people have been known to live to a ripe old age” in areas where the water supply is fluoridated. Unfortunately, they neglected to mention that the addition of fluoride to the water supply correlated directly with the number of still births, mongoloid children, brittle teeth and enlarged dental root structures, adverse spinal conditions, osteomalacia (softening of the bones) and osteoporosis (abnormally porous and spaced structure inside bone) in the medicated population as opposed to control populations that were unmedicated. People die young “at a ripe old age”.
1961 In Great Britain, Dr. R.A.Holman of the Royal Institute of Pathology discussed fluoride poisoning in an article in the April 15, 1961 issue of the British Medical Journal. He noted that the long-term effects of sodium fluoride ingestion needed much more investigation, and continued, “Fluoride is a well-known inhibitor of several enzyme systems, and can form spectroscopically recognizable compounds with the enzyme catalase, resulting in its inhibition. Catalase poisoning has been linked with the development of viruses and the causation of a number of diseases, including cancer. Many observers have suggested that the agents (fluorides and other toxic environmental substances) which decrease the catalase the cells may predispose those cells to tumor formation. Voisin has said, “the method most likely to solve the problem of cancer is to ask why the cancer cell is lacking in catalase and try to prevent its impoverishment from taking place.
1962 Noted cancer researcher Dr. Ludwig Gross, whose work on leukemia is invaluable in cancer research and whose findings prompted a governmental crash program, was put on report after writing: “The plain fact is that fluoride is an insidious poison – harmful, toxic, and cumulative in its effects, even when ingested in minimal amount, will remain unchanged no matter how many times it will be repeated in print that ‘fluoridation of the water supply is safe’”. This ‘defection’ was pointed out to Dr. Gross’ superiors in the US Public Health Service. However, a Veterans Administration official replied on September 24, 1962: “Dr. Gross is free to offer his opinion in any relation he may desire, but he does not speak for the Veterans Administration on the subject of fluoridation. This agency is not opposed to the fluoridation of public water supplies.”
1966 The International Society for Research on Nutrition, Vital Substances and the Diseases of Civilization (founded by Dr. Albert Schweitzer in 1954) approves a strong resolution (No.39) advising local and state governments against fluoridation. The resolution stated, among other things, that “fluoride is an enzyme poison which can cause irreversable and unpredictable diseases.” The action is supported by more than 98 percent of the Society’s 400-member Scientific Counsil, of which more than half hold appointments in major world academic institutions in over 75 countries. [ Fluoridation and Truth Decay, 1974, Caldwell, p.285 ]. After Schweitzers death, Linus Pauling attempts to get the Society to reverse its position on fluorides, but the Society responded by reaffirming its antifluoridation position in two succeeding years. Despite this effort by hundreds of world scientists not beholding to the USPHS for grant money, the U.S. Public Health Service continued its fluoridation propaganda on American citizens.
1966 In May 1966, the Los Angeles Water and Power Department took it upon itself to call a meeting in an effort to get Los Angeles water fluoridated. The effort ended when legal counsel informed the water department that they had no jurisdiction over fluoridation. Word of the meeting brought throngs of people protesting the addition of toxic fluorides to the water supply. After the meetings ended, the City Council then called for a fluoridation hearing to begin on July 21, 1966 at which councilman Tom Bradley (later mayor of Los Angeles) was to introduce the fluoridation resolution. Dr. Louis Bullock, president of the Los Angeles branch of the American Cancer Society touted the new cancer drug 5-Fluoracil as “one of the most effective drugs used to treat and control cancer”, stating that they ‘safely’ gave cancer patients 150 to 500 mg of fluoride a day”, and that “it strengthened the bones”. [Yet, the 1965 Modern Drig Encyclopedia and Therapeutic Index Pharmaceuticals, Biologicals and Allergens contains a three-column listing of disasterous effects from 5-Fluoracil, one of them being "fatalities may be encountered occasionally in patients in relatively good condition". In March 31, 1972, the Los Angeles Herald Examiner headlined a story "Scientist Hots Cancer Drug 'Overkill' ", which stated that 5-Fluoracil as a cancer treatment represents a case of classic overkill which does more harm than the cancer itself." In other words, Bullock was either naive or he lied at the July 21, 1966 meeting ]. See 1969 LA Times.
1966 In February 1966, Dr. Robert Felix, former Director of the National Institute of Mental Health, addresses a fluoridation conference of 500 national leaders. He doesn’t speak of the dental health of children, but instead about the “mental health of opponents of fluoridation”. In his speech, “The Care and Handling of Extremists”, Dr. Felix offered the “fact” that “all opponents of fluoridation are mentally deranged, one way or another”. He instructed proponents of fluoridation on “how to recognize and cope with the various categories of opponents”. The Proceedings of this mad Symposium can be found in the February 10th and 14th, 1966 issue of the Congressional Record. Dr. Arthur Fleming, former Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, was at the meeting. He suggested that “we need a 365-day-a-year educational program for schools”, and suggested that “students might go home and talk fluoridation up at the dinner table”. Programs in schools were then implemented where children were used as shills and messengers of propaganda for fluoridation. Several superintendents of schools in the Los Angeles area indicated that they would not take part in such a program.
1968 The Journal of the American Dental Association, Vol. VI, boasted: “Puerto Rico – First to Enact Fluoridation Law”. Some cities in Puerto Rico were fluoridated in 1954, before any data were in on the so-called “10 year experiment” in the continental United States. A report of the condition of the teeth of children in PR was made by Dr. U.L. Monteleone of Allentown, Pennsylvania, who visited PR. According to Dr. Monteleone in May 1969, the children in PR had rampant dental decay, rampant malocclusion and rampant fluorosis. Monteleone was suspended for making the report. The June 1968 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported similar findings on the children in fluoridated Puerto Rico: “Dental caries are common … dental fluorosis was particularly prevalent among school and adolescent boys in the 10-14 year old age group.”
1969 The July 7, 1969 issue of the Columbus Citizen-Journal, Ohio, contained an article entitled “The Costs of Fluoridating Water”, in which the following facts were published follow a one year review of world literature on fluoridation completed in June 1969: Fluoride increases the incidence of mongolism, depresses the growth rate of human cells in culture, causes dermatitis, affects thyroid function, alters the concentration of metabolites in blood and urine, inhibits many important enzymes, affects reproduction, may incorporate itself into naturally occurring compounds to form others, is capable of producing cancer and giving rise to deformed babies, reduces fertility in female rats by more than 60 percent, and mimics the effects of some hormones – disturbing the hormonal balance.”
1971 The August 22, 1971 National Enquirer reviews British claims on how the new drug fenfluramine (Fen-Phen) burns up fat and is appropriate for obese people. [In 1997, 26 years later, it is revealed that fenfluramine damages the heart and brain, which might indicate that the original "safety" studies were faked]. Dr. John Sedgewick, one of Britain’s leading authorities on obesity pushes the drug in 1971. The article stated that the fenfluramine pill contains fluoride, and is an amphetamine type of drug which Dr. Sedgewicj intended to request the FDA to approve for sale in the U.S. Whereas Dr. Sedgewick claims that fluoride acts like a sedative, “it is also likely that it causes lack of appetite.” Research performed on farm animals shows that when cows eat fluoride-poisoned forage from industrial sources, nature protects them by curbing their appetite, causing loss of weight. According to an article in the April 15, 1973 Los Angeles Times, fenfluramine caused side effects of drowsiness and stomach/bowel complaints in patients.
1971 An 11-member board of the American Academy of Allergies amazingly declares “no evidence of allergy or intolerance to fluorides as used in the fluoridation of communal water supplies.” The statement was requested from the AAA by the U.S. Public Health Service, who was attempting to neutralize reports of fluoride poisoning. None of the scientists at the AAA ever carried out any research on fluorides. After the “statement” the U.S. Public Health Service “awards grants” to four of the scientists on the AAA board amounting to $780,621. Other members of the board had been previous recipients of such grants for research on various phases of allergy. In 1976, the British Royal College of Physicians would refer to the AAA statement (bribed statement) in order to deny reports of fluoride poisoning in England. [ Fluoride, Walbott, 1978, pp.287-288].
1972 The prestigious journal Science, July 14, 1972, requested doctors “Perform Tests and/or Examinations on People Who Have Shown Sensitivity to Fluorides from Fluoridation”, and to send the results to a Fact Finding Committee in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, chaired by Dr.R.J.H. Mick in Laurel Springs, New Jersey. The project consisted of a double-blind study using the provocative sub-lingual testings with varying dilutions of a fluoride solution up to a concentration of 1 ppm. The project, held at the Red Carpet Inn in Milwaukee on August 5 and 6, 1972, was a ‘continuing study to determine the immediate side effects of individuals extremely sensitive to fluorides’. A number of individuals developed immediate symptoms of headache, burning in the throat, dizziness, nausea and vomiting to test solutions whose concentration were much less than 1 ppm, whereas the placebo (unfluoridated tap water) elicited no reactions.
1974 The Safe Water Drinking Act is passed. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets maximum contamination levels (MCL) for various water pollutants, including sodium fluoride. The EPA sets the fluoride contamination level at an unbelievable 1.4 ppm for “warmer climates” and up to 2.4 ppm for “colder climates”. Furthermore, the American Dental Association begins pressuring the EPA to raise the MCL for fluoride in public water to 8 ppm, when it is fully known that systemic damage occurs below 1 pmm. The former US Surgeon General C. Everett Koop is among those who join the drive to increase the MCL for fluoride, even doing television ads proclaiming that fluoridation was “absolutely safe”. Shown slides of severe fluorosis damage to a childs teeth at 4ppm, ADA spokesperson Lisa Watson maintains that it does “not involve health effects but is only a cosmetic problem”. The National Drinking Water Advisory Council refuses to recommend raising the fluoride MCL, and came close to recommending its lowering, but the EPA farmed out research work to ICAIR Life Systems, which issues a fraudulent report (confirmed by ICAIR employee Dr. John Beaver) that is woven into the US EPA report on fluoride, resulting in the EPA recommendation of MCL for sodium fluoride in public water to be 4 ppm.
1975 Dr. John Yiamouyiannis publishes a preliminary survey which shows that people in fluoridated areas have a higher cancer death rate than those in non-fluoridated areas. The National Cancer Institute attempts to refute the studies. Later in 1975, Yiamouyiannis joins with Dr. Dean Burk, chief chemist of the National Cancer Institute (1939-1974) in performing other studies which are then included in the Congressional Record by Congressman Delaney, who was the original author of the Delaney Amendment, which prohibited the addition of cancer-causing substances to food used for human consumption. Both reports confirmed the existence of a link between fluoridation and cancer. (Note: Obviously Dr. Burk felt free to agree with scientific truth only after his tenure at NCI ended, since his job depended on towing the party line).
1976 Dr. D.W.Allman and co-workers from Indiana University School of Medicine feed animals 1part-per-million (ppm) fluoride and notice the urinary levels and tissue levels of a substance called cyclic AMP (adenosine monophosphate) increased by more than 100%. They also found that in the presence of aluminum in a concentration as small as 20 parts per billion, fluoride is able to cause an even larger increase in cyclic AMP levels. Cyclic AMP inhibits the migration rate of white blood cells, as well as the ability of the white blood cell to destroy pathogenic organisms. Ref: Journal of Dental Research, Vol 55, Sup B, p523, 1976, “Effect of Inorganic Fluoride Salts on Urine and Tissue Cyclic AMP Concentration in Vivo”. (Note: It is no small accident that toothpaste tubes containing fluoride are often made of aluminum, nor is it an accident that aluminum cookware and fluoride use were injected into the population virtually simultaneously.)
1977 Congressional representative L.H. Fountain, chairman of the 1977 Sub-Committee Hearings on Fluoride, states that “the carcinogenic nature of fluoride remains unanswered” and orders the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS – who is in on the fluoride conspiracy anyway) “to conduct animal studies to see if fluoride causes cancer”. Dr. Herman Kraybill, from the National Cancer Institute (who in 1972 had been chosen by NCI to write a memo saying that fluorides do not cause cancer) was placed in charge of these studies. Kraybill boldly states, “this will be the final study to confirm negativity of fluoride ions in carcinogenesis.” He cites 13 studies having nothing to do with the subject of fluorides and cancer in order to support his claim that “no link between fluorides and cancer existed.” (NCI Director Dr. Arthur Upton later admitted the 13 studies had nothing to do with the subject of the study). (See 1982, 1985,1988) Congressman Fountain showed that Dr. Hoover and other National Cancer Institute officials had purposely withheld information and had purposely sent fraudulent data to professors at Oxford, who published data as their own, defending the use of fluorides.
1977 In 1977, Congressional Hearings were held in which Dr.Yiamouyiannis and Dr.Burk were able to show that the increase in deaths were due to water fluoridation. At the conclusion of the hearings, Representative Fountain and his committee instructed the United States Public Health Service (well known by now for questionable and dangerous medical advisory practices which benefit the medical and pharmaceutical industries) to conduct animal studies to “determine whether or not fluoride causes cancer”. As a result, the USPHS retained Battelle Memorial Institute (also well known for NWO technical activities and is considered by many to be part of the cancer cover-up) to perform a study on mice and rats – unfortunately, rodent physiology differs considerably from humans, making the transfer of data between species relatively meaningless.(See1989,Battelle Study).
1979 In order to counteract the tide of truth on fluorides, the American Dental Association (ADA) issues a “white paper” on fluoridation characterizing opponents of putting fluorides in the public water supply as “uninformed, self-styled experts whose qualifications for speaking out on such a scientific issue as fluoridation were practically nonexistent or whose motivation was self-serving.” (Highly ironic, since this is instead the position of the ADA and the medical industrial complex in the first place). In addition, the ADA paper maintained “the lifelong benefits of fluoridation” and encouraged responses to opponents to begin with, “there is no evidence…”, “investigators have observed…”. The ADA recommended that “the advice of behavioral scientists should be sought with regard to rebuttals”. This ADA paper resulted in collusion between the ADA,CDC,EPA,NCHS,NIDR, state dental societies and directors to “identify those communities where the timing is favorable”. A planning commitee was formed to plan a symposium for the future. (See 1983).
1979 In a book released in 1979 entitled “Continuing Evaluation of the Use of Fluorides”, a chapter was written by Dr. Hodge, who was instrumental in the Newburg experiments running parallel to the Manhattan Project work on fluorides. With regard to the “safe” dosage, Hodge wrote: “The most important and widely disregarded fact about dental fluorosis is that no safe established daily intake exists,, i.e., the maximal amount in mg fluoride which consumed daily does not produce cosmetically damaging white areas or brown stain in some areas has not been fixed.” Hodge also corrected his previously published figures for crippling skeletal fluorosis he made in the 1950′s where he had neglected to convert pounds to kilograms. As a result, most reviews which contain the “crippling daily dose of fluoride”, including the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1991 document Review of Fluoride: Benefits and Risks, as well as the current RDA and new Dietary Reference Intakes published by the Institute of Medicine in 1997, use 20-80 mg/day figures. At currently reported intake levels 5mg per day will cause crippling deformities of the spine and major joints.
1981 Dr.John Emsley and co-workers at King’s College in London find that fluoridereacts strongly with the bonds which maintain the normal shapes of proteins in the body. The work is subsequently confirmed by Dr. Steven Edwards and co-workers from the University of California in San Diego, and by Drs. Froede and Wilson from the University of Colorado at Boulder. By distorting the configuration of the body’s own protein, the immune system attacks its own protein , resulting in an autoimmune or allergic response. Fluroides contribute to the development of an Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome,which is covered up by the media and medical community, which maintains a public focus on a viral cause for the problem, promoting the harmless HIV virus as the “cause” for “AIDS”, covering up the pharmo-chemical sensitization of the population which has complex legal ramifications.
1982 Peter Wilkinson at the University of Glascow testifies before the Scottish High Court in Edinburgh in a legal case entitled “Inhibition of the Immune System with Low levels of Fluoride” which revealed that fluoride decreases the migration rate of human white blood cells. At a concentration of .2ppm (which is .8ppm below the “approved” level of 1 ppm), relative white cell migration rate is reduced 8%. A concentration of 1ppm would produce a physiological decline of around 10%. Fluoride added to water supplies, tooth paste, school dental washes, supplement pills and dentists visits are increased and promoted, contributing to a further co-factor in the decline of the immune capability of the population. Fluoride confuses the human immune system and causes it to attack the body’s own tissues, cumulatively resulting in accelerated aging.
1983 A symposium takes place at the University of Michigan after years of planning between the US Dept of Health and Human Services, the USPHS Michigan state health plans, the Kellogg Foundation, CDC,Medical Products Labs and others to “discuss the status of organized opposition to fluoridation, to analyze probable motives influencing the anti-fluoride movement, to develop political and legal strategies for the defense and promotion of fluoridation, and to access the need for a national fluoridation strategy.” Dr. Dennis Leverett of the University of Rochester reported that his commitee felt that fluoridation was a “political issue and not a scientific situation”. See 1982,1988. The Symposium was a taxpayer-supported event. Also attending were members of the ADA National Fluoridation Advisory Committee, John Small (the government’s pro-fluoride czar), the American Association of Dental Schools, members from the Illinois and Ohio State Departments of Health, and the Chief Dental Officer of the Department of Health and Human Services. The proceedings were published in a 129-page book titled “Fluoridation: Litigation and Changing Public Policy.” (See ADA Nat’l Fluorodation Commitee address in 1988). Dr. William T. Jarvis, a member of the board of the American Council of Science and Health ( a front group for the junk food industry), speaks on “The Psychology of Anti-fluoridation”, noting that debates on flouride always “seems to result in people becoming anti-fluoridationist.” Dr. Stephen Corbin of the USPHS suggested that a mandatory State Fluoridation Law be developed, and a Dr. Easley suggested processes be initiated to deny those seeking relief through the courts their right to due process. Dr. D. Scott of Blue Cross/Blue Shield suggested that the cost of litigation defending fluoridation should be borne by taxpayers! Ms. Colleen Wulf of the Ohio Deparment of Health reported that her committee suggested formation of a non-profit organization which would coordinate with with CDC and ADA, and pointed out that CDC has already drafted promotional materials for fluoride, and that the ADA and the USPHS had already formed the Ad Hoc Commitee to Plan for the Legal Defense of Community Water Fluoridation. She suggests the name of the new group might be something like “Coalition for Improved Dental Health, or something similar”. NOT ONE SCIENTIST ATTENDED the University of Michigan Symposium: ten who attended were dental hygenists, two were dentists, five had degrees in Public Relations, Education, Psychology, or Public Health, one had no degree at all and a introduction was written by psychiatrist Stephen Barrett, who ironically would maintain a website in 1997 on “medical quackery”.
1989 In 1989 Dr.Yiamouyiannis used the Freedom of Information Act to obtain carcinogenicity studies conducted by Proctor and Gamble (one of the makers of fluoridated toothpaste) that were submitted to (and covered up by) the United States Public Health Service. These studies showed dose dependent cell abnormalities caused by fluoride. These results were reported in the February 22, 1990 issue of the Medical Tribune. Additional studies by Proctor and Gamble scientists confirmed the link between oral precancerous growth and fluoride, as well as an increase in osteomas (bone tumors) and osteosarcomas (bone cancer). In fact, the National Cancer Institute found in 1991 that the incidence of bone cancer was 50% higher in men ages 0-19 years of age exposed to fluoridated water compared to those who were not.
1989 On February 23, 1989, Battelle released the results of its study of fluorides on mice. A most curious result of the study, from the USPHS point of view, was that fluoride induced the occurrence of an extremely rare form of liver cancer, called hepatocholangio carcinoma, in fluoride-treated male and female mice. Two months later in April of 1989, Battelle released the results of its study of fluorides and rats. The study showed a dose-dependent relationship between the incidence of oral cancerous tumors and fluorides. It is interesting to note that mice and rats yielded different The results with fluoride – different types of cancer. As a response to the Battelle study, the National Cancer Institute from examined the incidence of oral cancer in fluoridated and non-fluoridated countries over the period from 1973 to 1987. The National Cancer Institute study found that as exposure to fluoridation increases, so does the incidence of oral cancer; sometimes as much as a 50% increase in oral cancer rates occur in fluoridated areas – this translates to 8,000 new cases of oral and pharyngeal cancer per year, needless pain and suffering and a financial windfall to the medical and pharmaceutical factions that concern themselves with treatment.
1994 A study on the physiological and behavioral effects of Sodium Fluoride is published on October 12, 1994. The study is done by Mullenix, Denbensten, Schunior and Kernan, from the Toxicology Department, Forsyth Research Institute in Boston, the Department of Radiation Oncology, Harvard Medical School, the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Eastman Dental Center, and the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at Iowa State University. According to the study, published in Neurotoxicology and Teratology, Vol 17, No. 2, pp. 169-177, 1995, while fluorides have a great number of effects on the body, the effect on the brain and central nervous system structures were examined, and it was found that fluorides affect the hippocampus, which is the central processor which integrates inputs from the environment, memory, and motivational stimuli to produce behavioral decisions and modify memory. Note: Now it can be seen why the Nazis and Soviets used fluorides in the prison camp water supplies to reduce the will to resist and make the prisoners docile and not tend to question authority. It is the primary reason it is added to water supplies, since there is no credible scientific evidence it exists in the water supply for any other purpose. After several years, we have found no credible evidence, only anecdotal reviews by groups with a vested interest in keeping toxic fluorides in use. (See 1957, Montreal Neurological Institute, and the case of H.M). This 1994 study also showed that “effects on behavior relate directly to plasma fluoride levels in the brain, and fluoride accumulation in the brain, establishing that long-term accumulation of fluorides in the brain does occur, even with minimal doses. This 1994 report also stated that “overall, the behavioral changes from fluoride exposures are consistent with interrupted hippocampal development. Although this study was done on rats, according to the report “a generic behavioral disruption is found in this rat study can be indicative of a potential for motor dysfunction, IQ deficits and/or learning disabilities in humans, and that substances that accumulate in brain tissue potentiate concerns about neurotoxic risks. This is the first laboratory study to demonstrate that central nervous system functional output is vulnerable to fluorides that is publically released, although decades of studies have been done, but not released, by the Mellon Institute and various agencies, who keep the results to themselves for the last 50 years.

What Can Be Done To Take Fluoride Out Of Our Drinking Water?
The best way I have found to remove fluoride from our drinking water is by using Borax powder. This can be bought at your local Walmart in the laundry section. 20 Mule is the name brand.( Let me state for the record that I am not a Dr and this information is only for research purposes. The FDA has not approved borax for water or fluoride filtration. I am stating how I myself treat my drinking water. Please contact your doctor before initiating any additions to your diet or lifestyle.)
That being said, I take 1/8 teaspoon of borax powder and mix with 1 gallon of drinking water. I recommend using the Brita filtered water pitcher. I say this because you can take the filter from the pitcher and use a box cutter or sharp knife to cut a half circle from the top and pull open. Dump out the inside and refill it with activated charcoal. This can be bought in the pet or fish section in Walmart. Once refilled, you can push the top closed again and let water rinse through about 3 pitchers full, to remove any dust. This can be done any time the filter needs to be replaced and will save you a ton of money. 
Now that you have your water pitcher ready and your water and borax mixed in, the next step is to add a quarter to a half 
teaspoon of unrefined Pink Himalayan Sea Salt. This salt is one of the most important things you should be adding to your daily diet. Drew Canole (FitLife.TV) Had this to say, "This amazing salt  Packs a healthy 80 plus minerals and elements.

-  " Himalayan salts are mineral packed crystals which formed naturally within the earth made up of 85.62% sodium chloride and 14.38% other trace 

minerals including: sulphate, magnesium, calcium, potassium, bicarbonate, bromide, borate, strontium, and fluoride (in descending order of quantity).

Because of these minerals Himalayan pink salt can:

  • Create an electrolyte balance
  • Increases hydration
  • Regulate water content both inside and outside of cells
  • Balance pH (alkaline/acidity) and help to reduce acid reflux
  • Prevent muscle cramping
  • Aid in proper metabolism functioning
  • Strengthen bones
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Help the intestines absorb nutrients
  • Prevent goiters
  • Improve circulation
  • Dissolve and eliminate sediment to remove toxins
  • It is even said to support libido, reduce the signs of aging, and detoxify the body from heavy metals. "

*After adding your sea salt and borax, take 1/2 teaspoon of powdered vitamin C and mix into the water. This eliminates the chlorine that may be present. Now take a wooden spoon and stir the water briskly. You want to create a vortex or a whirlpool motion in the water for about 30 seconds. This restructures the water and causes the water to become like a battery. It charges the water and why the water is being charged, direct your thoughts to the water while thinking of love and abundance and positive affirmations. This transfers the vibrational energy of your positive thoughts, into the charge of the water. This infuses the water with high vibrational frequencies that will raise your vibration as you drink the water. It is also good to take a permanate marker and write positive affirmations all over the water pitcher. Words such as Love, Money, Abundance, Confidence, Healing, Spiritual Awakening, etc... This will cause the energy of the words to be in constant contact with the water. Water holds memmory. Water forms beautiful water crystals when frozen if thoughts of love and positive thoughts are said or exposed to the water as it's freezing. The opposite happens if negative emotions are directed or exposed to it. The water will form chaotic patterns that are ugly with no uniform shape.

You Now Have The Best Water In The World

This water is now free of chlorine, fluoride, and many toxins found in our drinking water. It is also now charged with powerful positive energy and has become structured water similar to our own DNA. Even better to use than tap water is the new filtered water system at Walmart that allows you to refill your own empty water jugs for .33 cents per gallon. This water is filtered, reverse osmosis, and UV light filtered. Use this water and filter it and add the same ingredients and techniques used above and you will have close to perfect water!

  1. Fluoride Is A Carcinogen
  2. Fluoride was found to be an equivocal carcinogen by the National Cancer Institute Toxicological Program. Further studies by the New Jersey Department of Health have now confirmed a 6.9 fold increase in bone cancer in young males.
  3. Fluoride Increases Hip Fractures
  4. Drinking fluoridated water will double the number of hip fractures for both older men and women. Extremely low levels of water fluoridation 0.1 ppm still produced statistically significant increased hip fractures. (Bordeaux Study JAMA 1994)
  5. Increases Infertility
  6. They also reported that a review of all of the animal studies done to date shows that fluoride adversely affects fertility in most animal species.
  7. Fluoride Increases Fluorosis
  8. Opaque white spots and brown ugly teeth caused by fluoride is called Fluorosis.Fluorosis currently affects one out of five or more children in this nation although it is rarely seen in California.
  9. California is the least fluoridated state with less than 16% of the population drinking artificially fluoridated water 
  10. Fluoride Does NOT Reduce Tooth Decay
  11. Fluoride is not effective in reducing tooth decay.
  12. No correlation was found between the level of fluoride in water and dental caries. There appears to be a genetically related increase in tooth decay for Hispanics, Indians, Native Americans and Asians.
  13. Decay is related to the educational and economic level of the parents.
  14. Fluoride Is Unapproved By FDA
  15. The FDA considers fluoride an unapproved new drug for which there is no proof of safety or effectiveness.The FDA does not consider fluoride an essential nutrient.
  16. Fluoride Is Highly Toxic
  17. The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology has classified Fluoride as an unapproved dental medicament due to its high toxicity.

What other chemical can prevent a mother or father from getting mad when they find out their son is being poisoned by a govt approved toxin that is a lie and a cover up? I see no outrage which tells me that they have us just where they want us! so drink up that fresh water out of your spigot MD citizens and give your infant a little more formula with that poisoned tap water. I'm sick and everybody else should be sick. Put your stress to the side and rise up and demand truth and change for your drinking water and your childs well being and future! #TheMovementHasBegan #TakeBackOurChildrensFuture #StopTheGovernmentCoverups #DemandAccountability #GiveUrLifeForYourChild #ShedBloodForTheTruth #AmericaWhyHaveYouSoldUsOutForMoney?

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  1. Opiate withdrawal cured? ..... The rumor mill is on fire today with the latest pharmaceutical coverup being exposed by an industry insider. According to claims, doctors made a breakthrough discovery in opiate addiction over 30 years ago when working with terminally ill cancer patients. They found, by accident, that after administering a common vitamin delivered at an extremely high dose and given in a certain delivery model for a certain duration of time in a special type, combined with one other minor additive, completely prevented opiate withdrawal from occurring when the patients morphine drips were discontinued. They were on to an amazing find. They set up trials on heroin patients and methadone patients and the results were outstanding. They when adjusting dose according to habit and body weight, they could eliminate most if not all of the opiate withdrawal symptoms and within one week a patient could be completely clean and without having to experience opiate withdrawal. This also prevented cravings for the opiates and continued use also prevented P.A.W.S.

    They believed this would be a monumental moment for the opiate addictions field. They contacted government officials in the Australian government and gave them the information on the find. They waited for a response from the official that handled the research and discovery department and the good news they thought was to come. The call finally came almost 3 weeks later. The government official on the other end of the phone said this, " We have come to the conclusion that this discovery will not be permitted to be released to the public domain at this time and it is in the best interest of your careers that you see to this. If this were to get out, not only would it threaten to close down half the rehabs in the country but many officials and their colleagues stood to lose their jobs in the addictions community. I am afraid we can not allow that to happen!"

    1. part 2)
      The doctor hung up the phone and stared at the floor in disbelief. How could something that would save millions of lives around the world from addiction just be swept under the rug so that some officials can keep their current job that treats addicts with a broken modality and has a miniscule success rate? Later research into the reason for denial would uncover the truth. The methadone program was gaining momentum around the world and clinics were booming. The licensing and income generated from this synthetic opiate that only takes an opiate addict from a natural addiction to a chemical made in a lab addiction which also came with much harder withdrawal symptoms to have to kick once discontinuing the treatment and it was clear that the millions of dollars that would be raked in from this was the true culprit behind this decision. So with contempt in his heart, he followed directions to safe guard his career.

      Over 37 years later, with opiate addiction being the main addiction plaguing the world, the information would be discovered by a Md man who was researching alternative cancer treatments and came across the archive with footnotes that caught his attention. He was also at that time hiding a pain pill addiction so what he would discover that afternoon would become the greatest discovery of his life. He frantically rushed out and bought the ingredients he needed to replicate the original formula. This cost him around $40.00 in US currency. He had been hiding a close to 20 year addiction and had all but given up on finding a successful treatment or way to break the addiction without experiencing the horrid withdrawal symptoms that always set in within hours of the last dose. One week later he was free of his addiction and was sleeping like a baby and his appetite was voracious. He could not believe his absolute luck of making this discovery completely by accident. He to thought this would change the world. He helped many friends and family break their addictions as well with the find.

      He posted in many forums on opiate addiction and drug addiction to unleash the breakthrough on the masses and try to help the thousands of posters who were searching for relief from their addictions. He would find that because the method was so cheap and easy to use, that No one would listen or take it seriously. He was treated with hostility and in many cases the moderators would not even allow the find to stay on the site and in the posts. Time and time again his posts were being erased and sometimes banned for no reason. The true reason is the sponsors and advertisers don't want to spend money on running ads when the see a free solution to peoples addiction on the site. It would be a waste of money so pressured moderators would take them down. You would expect these forums to be about helping addicts, not funneling them into an advertisement market of sharks and corporate stiffs.

      Angered, he sat down and wrote his first e book and titled it "No More Opiate Withdrawal" He also put information into the e book of alternative treatments he had found from around the globe and a bonus report that shows one how to be freed from all forms of hepatitis in sometimes as little as four days. He designed a landing page for the site and placed the e book on the market for people that were online searching for real results and were tired of the lies and meds they were being pushed on. He had constant trouble with search engines taking down his ads from his competitions complaints. Herbal remedy companies and suboxone and methadone doctors don't want to spend thousands on ads and see an ad that tells the users that they can quit without these doctors poisons. So the site was constantly attacked and he found it very hard to get the information out.

  2. Part 3

    Still to this day almost 6 years later the e book finds its way into the hands of the people that need it most, here and there and has helped hundreds if not thousands to break their addiction without meds and without opiate withdrawal.

    If you have a loved one that is struggling with opiate addiction and battling opiate withdrawal, change their lives with this revolutionary information and get them the e book and reveal the long suppressed secret that will solve their opiate withdrawal problems today and give them a new lease on life. You owe it to yourself and humanity to get this message and info out to the world. Go now to www.bz9.me/HasOpiateWithdrawalBeenCured
    this is also a new product that is changing home detox here at

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